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Treatment of patients with coronavirus in Britain: a doctor from Ukraine told the sad truth

Treatment of patients with coronavirus in Britain: a doctor from Ukraine told the sad truth

27-year-old Ukrainian Yarina Lininsky, who works as a doctor within the UK, spoke about the treatment conditions for patients with coronavirus during this country.

As she told Ukrainian Truth, when an coronavirus is suspected, an ambulance arrives at the patient’s place of residence. Doctors don't attend calls, the paramedical service picks up.

At the hospital, patients with respiratory symptoms are going to be admitted to the ER (where there are now separate departments for patients with coronavirus). Medical staff in protective clothing, which incorporates a respiratory mask, goggles, hat, disposable polyethylene long-sleeved robe-de-chambre and shoe covers.

Even if the doctor is 80% sure that the patient features a coronavirus, but the patient's condition is such it doesn't require additional oxygen therapy, then he's sent for home treatment, which incorporates antipyretic therapy, tons of drinking and peace. Also, the patient receives red flags (red flags), that is, recommendations on what you ought to concentrate to and the way to reply if the condition worsens.

Only those that remain within the hospital, whose condition is serious, are being tested now. Previously, everyone who was suspected was tested, while the amount of patients didn't increase critically.

If at the top of February patients with coronavirus were sent to specialized hospitals, now, when the amount of patients is about 12-13 thousand, they're admitted to every clinic. All emergency departments were divided into “hot” and “cold” zones so as to separate patients with respiratory and non-respiratory diseases.

“At work, you wear a surgical suit over your clothes - a T-shirt and trousers, ordinary shoes, for instance , sneakers that you simply leave within the hospital and don’t bring home . After a shift that lasts 10 hours, you're taking off your suit and wrap it during a special red bag, then in another white bag, and take it to the place where the suits are sanitized and washed, ”Lininskaya said.

At the doorway to the recent zone, a respiratory mask is issued, which the doctor doesn't remove during the whole shift. Additionally, a plastic robe-de-chambre with long sleeves that ends at the neck level, a hat, glasses and a couple of pairs of ordinary gloves is dressed.

“When examining each patient, you're taking a replacement bathrobe. One patient - one bathrobe, ”the doctor emphasized.

According to her, the load has increased, many colleagues don't attend work, someone fell ill and on leave , but what exactly is tip . Some don't withstand mentally, in many anxiety and depression.

“The physician's protection protocols are changed hebdomadally . We, British doctors, don't feel too protected, ”the Ukrainian added.

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